Home Up Prayer Collection



An unexpected conversation: "Do not interrupt me, I pray!"

Our Father, Who art in Heaven ...
Do not interrupt me! I pray.
But you kept addressed?
I approached you? Uh ... no, not really. - We just pray this way: Our Father, Who art in Heaven.
There again! You call me to start a conversation, right? So, what's the point?
Hallowed be Thy name ...
Are you serious?
What should I think seriously?
Whether you want that my name is really sacred. You know what that means?
It means ... it means ... My goodness, I do not know what it means! How should I know?
It means that you want to honour me, that my name is valuable to you.
Aha. Hm, yes, I understand. - Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,  ...
You're doing something about it?
That your will will happen? Of course! I regularly go to church, I pay community contribution and sacrifice mission.
I want more: that your life is in order, that your habits disappear,
with whom you go on the nerves of others, that you learn thinking from the others standpoint
        and for others
, that all everyone is helped and that they come to the recognition
of the truth, even your boss and your teacher. I want that  the sick are healed,
that the hungry are fed, that mourners are comforted and that captives are freed, cause for all
what are you doing to these people, but you do for me.
Why do you reproach just me with these issues? What do you mean, how many rich ass hypocrites
sit in the churches.
But look at them!
Excuse me! I thought you really pray so that my reign will come
and my will is done. This starts in fact very personally with that one who asks.
Only if you want the same thing as me, you'll be an ambassador of my kingdom.
That makes sense. I can now pray even further? Give us this day our daily bread ...
You're overweight, man! Your request includes your obligation to do something about it,
that the millions of hungry people in the world get for their daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us ...
And Heinz?
Heinz? Now, why you start with that person! You know that he has embarrassed me publicly that he gave me so arrogantly confronts every time that I'm already angry before he expresses his condescending remarks. And he knows it! He takes me not serious, he dances around me on the nose, this guy has ...
I know, I know. - And your prayer?
I meant not so.
At least you're honest. Do you actually enjoy walking around with so much bitterness
and dislike in the belly?
It makes me sick!
I will heal you.
Forgive Heinz, then I forgive you. Then arrogance and hatred is Heinz's sin, not yours.
Perhaps you are losing money, certainly a piece of your image, but it will bring peace into your heart.
Hm - I do not know if I can overcome it.
I'll help you.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ...
Nothing rather than that! Please avoid people or situations, through which you are tempted.
What do you mean?
You know your weak points. Non-binding, financial behaviour,
aggression, education. Give the tempter no chance!
Oh. - I think this is the hardest Our Father, I ever prayed. But for the first time it has something to do with my everyday life.
Nice! We thrive. Just pray to the end.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
Do you know, what I find beautiful? When people like you begin to take me seriously,
begin to really pray, to follow me and then do what is my will.
When they realize that their work for the coming of my kingdom
ultimately even makes themselves happy!
Author unknown.

Prayer recognized? This person wanted to reel off with good will "Our Father" and found himself unexpectedly in a critical dialogue with his divine partner. Hence, prayer is always a conversation with our Creator-Father!

An own small collection of prayers is compiled here; for more prayers follow the subsequent links.

1. Basic prayers

bulletBasic prayers: http://www.catholicmissionleaflets.org/pray1.htm
bulletPrayers on EWTN; http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/prayers/index.htm
bulletTraditional basic prayers: http://www.catholictradition.org/prayers1.htm

2. Liturgy of the hours / Divine office

bulletElectronic breviary: http://www.ebreviary.com/
bulletDivine office: http://divineoffice.org/
bulletDO @ catholic exchange: http://catholicexchange.com/divine-office/
bulletUniversalis: http://www.universalis.com/
bulletDivinum officium: http://divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl
bulletMorning & evening prayer: http://www.infinitum.cc/#/en/preces/morning-prayer-and-evening-prayer

3. Novenas

bulletNovenas on EWTN: http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/prayers/novena.htm
bulletCatholic Links Novenas: http://www.catholiclinks.org/novenasenglish.htm
bulletPray more novenas: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/

4. Rosaries

bulletHow to pray a rosary: http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm
bulletRosary army: http://www.rosaryarmy.com/?page_id=50
bulletRosary at Medjugorje: http://www.medjugorje.org/rosary.htm
bulletFamily Rosary: http://www.familyrosary.org/
bullet :Video on the 4 Rosaries: http://www.infinitum.cc/#/en/rosarium/video-rosario

5. Stations of the Cross

bulletCatholic.org: Stations of the cross: http://www.catholic.org/prayers/station.php?id=1
bulletPope John Paul II: Scriptural Stations of the Cross: http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/devotionals/stations-of-the-cross/scriptural-stations-of-the-cross.cfm
bulletMother Angelica´s Stations of the Cross: http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/stations/face.htm

6. Collection of Prayers

bulletPrayers sorted to themes: http://www.catholic.org/prayers/
bulletPrayers of the CCB/USA: http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/prayers/
bulletBasics and more prayers: http://www.theworkofgod.org/Catholic_prayers.htm
bulletPrayer of the day: http://www.familyrosary.org/Prayer/PrayerOfTheDay.aspx

7. Prayer days: fixed dedicated ones

bulletFirst Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
http://www.mgrfoundation.org/FirstFriday.html or

8. Prayer intentions

bulletActual PI of the pope: http://www.ewtn.com/faith/papalprayer.htm

9. Prayer initiatives

bulletAction Ninive: http://www.fatherspeaks.net/act-now.htm
bulletThe rosary 365 days a year: http://365rosaries.blogspot.de/
bulletWorldwide Rosary Good Friday 2013: http://de-de.facebook.com/pages/Rosary-Rendezvous/219687258056185

10. Events: Prayer days and retreats

bullet2012-10-06: Day of prayer in St.Louis: http://www.de-vrouwe.info/en/days-of-prayer

11. Eucharistic Adoration

bulletUS sites of adoration: http://www.therealpresence.org/chap_fr.htm
bulletUS mass times search portal: http://www.masstimes.org/
bulletOnline adoration: http://www.savior.org/ and:

12. Prayers for deliverance

Prayers in cases of affliction by demons.
Introduction "The Catholic Ministry of Deliverence": http://www.ccr.org.uk/archive/gn0209/g0209rp.htm

bulletPrayer of Liberation - Deliverance and Healing: http://www.theworkofgod.org/Library/Exorcism/exorcsm8.htm
bulletDeliverance: http://marianapostolate.com/deliverance/
bulletSpiritual Warfare Prayers: http://www.catholicwarriors.com/pages/warfare_prayers.htm

13. How to pray

bulletHomepage Fr. Jose Vettiyankal: http://www.nityaradhana.com/



Last update of this page: 24.12.2014